Sounds like The SQUAD'S MO.
Got any examples of their showing up for ribbon cuttings on stuff they voted against?
Even one?
I thought not.
You're bashing w/o anything to actually bash against.
I don't like the squad for my own reasons.
Nor do I keep a scrap books of their votes.
But Elba's woke a-holes told me that if Biden's IF plan was in jeopardy the Squad would back the bill.
I've no hard evidence one way of another, (did you when you made that claim-you posturing ass wipe? I thought not) but Elba's Squad of toe-sucking obsequious shitheads seem to indicate the squad's votes were up for the right Pelosi promises.
So they're whores.
So now you can go fuck yourself if you find your dick.
Pretty funny your accusing me of posturing, while admitting you had no evidence to support your position.
And yes. Not that you actually give a damn. You're just tossing bullshit out repeatedly, now, Ward Jr.
Using your definition, everybody in Congress is a whore.
And almost every human being on the planet.
IMO they're useless attention seeking divisive and accomplish little.
And I've as much insight into their behavior as you do you posturing shithead.
But I know it
And you're fucking clueless
you oh so woke asshole.
You fucking self righteous chicken shit coward are so quick to tell others what to do but are too fucking afraid to do what's right.
You fucking chicken shit fraud.
You made me laugh long and hard with that drivel, Banks, on a night when I don't feel like laughing at anything.
It's nice that you think I'm woke, but I sure don't.
Given your complaints about me, all your tone and words suggest is that you LIVE the things you complain about with regard to me.
Doesn't make your accusations more right or more wrong, just makes you look and sound like you are staring at a mirror.
No wonder it pisses you off.
I'm glad I made you laugh as you may be driest, least humerous jerk in Elba.
And most of my posts should be understood to be tongue in cheek and are looking for laughs.
But not all. Sometimes I'm serious.
But no Josh, once more you are tone deaf and wrong, I'm not looking in a mirror.
I'm looking at you, a hypocritical coward too afraid to look honestly at yourself.
I asked you some very legit questions about your abuse of your powers, that you would not entertain to answer.
I can't force you to answer questions. But I asked why you acted and took so many steps that were unwarranted and were not supported by what you knew.
And I don't know why you can't act like a man but I sense, that while I know you're a hypocrite and a coward, if you honestly answered the questions you were too afraid to answer, you too would have a better understanding that you are a hypocrite and a coward.
And the delusions you labor under would become more apparent even to one as clueless as you.
Sweet dreams you fucking coward