A lot of people think that the Cowboys were loners, but it is just not so.
When the pioneers came West they came in wagon trains, they did not travel alone, they traveled in a wagon train and they worked together as a team. If they were attacked by Indians then they would circle their covered wagons and they would work together to defend themselves and their children, etc. They came West in wagon trains and they worked together as a team.
And the pioneers were all Christians, and the Church was the center of the community. And the Bible tells us to do charity work and to help the poor and to give 10% to the Church, etc.
When a pioneer would build his barn, the whole community would help build the barn. And they would make a party out of building the barn. They would have a feast when the barn was completed, etc.
The Cowboys had a good sense of community, and they all helped each other.
And many Cowboys married the Native American Indian women, and the Cowboys were mostly friends with the Indians. There were not very many women in the West, and so they married the Native American Indian women.
The Cowboys also hung out in the saloons and they played poker, and they had their buddies. They were friends with all of the guys at the saloons, and they did business deals and stuff at the saloons. When a rancher needed workers he could go to the saloon and let everyone know that he needed workers.
Tony V.