When newspapers started putting up paywalls they stopped being accessible to most americans. Information comes at a cost. But you know what doesn't? Disinformation. So over the last decade we've seen disinformation spread on cable news networks, chat room message boards, social networks, and broadcast radio.
The decision made by the NY Times and others to make their valuable reporting harder to come by has led to disastrous outcomes all across America.
Are you paying attention?
Do a google search (which is free)for anything and what comes up first? Ads!
Facebook bought WhatsApp and made it free worldwide by adding paid advertisement
There are tons of Apps that offer consumers free services and thousands of companies are using multiples of them to sell their products.
Which means those companies are NOT buying ads in Newspapers.
Newspaper subscribers have always been subsidized by advertisers and so are online readers who now have to pay dirt-low fees.
If the information supplied by newspapers is so valuable why the reluctance from you to pay for it?