Bloomberg may be getting his feet wet, but the sensation of squishy socks seems not to reach his face. He's cold, passionless, privileged, and can't seem to own his mistakes (treatment of women, supporting GW Bush, stop n frisk...) -- at least that's how he came across to someone from nowhere near NYC and mostly unfamiliar with his persona. In almost every way I can think of he seemed like the worst candidate on the stage and weirdly entitled. Does he grasp that he made his billions because thousands of workers helped him, busting their humps? He's like Trump if Trump had an extra 30 points of IQ but was still essentially a jerk. I find him amazingly out of touch with his party, and sorely lacking a fire in the belly. And all the NDAs he defends as "consensual" ? AYFKM?
Sanders and Klobuchar did well. For the simple reason that they don't feel they have to project authenticity -- they just are authentic.