Everyone wants the same thing. No matter their culture.
That's just not true, beyond Maslow's bottom tier.
Just a simple single example:
There are people who would rather get less money if it means being ahead of their neighbors than get more money but have it be the same as their neighbors get.
I find that personally unfathomable, but reluctantly admit that it seems to be true. But it sure is a divergence from "the same thing!"
Perhaps I should be more clear. Everyone wants ready access to quality health care, housing, education, steady income, security, and a future for their children. But I understand the notion behind John Prine's song, "Some Humans Ain't Human", too. (Song found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIWotODqidE)
I think that the way forward for our country is to acknowledge the needs of everyone, and to consider everyone as worthy of having those needs met and in fair and just ways. Our system allows for great debate on just how to do so, and I believe that setting the goal of providing fair access to those things I just mentioned in the last paragraph is what needs to take place.
That's what Biden has to do. George H. W. Bush called it "the vision thing". Setting that vision for all is far more important to gathering the nation together, IMO, than strictly attacking the dark forces of Trump.
Come on.
America told Obama to get that shit out of here.
White America has consistently voted Republican against their own interests because they think the policies will deny access to minorities who do only want free stuff.
They feel they should get the same policies because they have either earned them or they deserve them When the policies they voted against don’t benefit them, either they blame it on the mooches and takers of the “inner city.”
Remember when Trump shut down the government (ever notice how many times in the GOP closed down the government or default on our debts to get their way?) and when the pain hit a woman whose husband was in service and therefore getting boned, she complained Trump wasn’t hurting the people he’s supposed to hurt!
LBJ once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Give him someone to blame and he’ll lick your pecker and tickle your bunghole!”