I have a friend who was in a band called "Suicidal Tendencies" and it used to be cool when I was young, but as I get older and as I have known many people who committed suicide then it is not cool anymore.
My friend from ST had a lot of problems, and suffered with depression himself, and this what he had to say about fighting depression...
"Yeah. I've always found that the only cure is to go outside myself do something for someone else. It's a learned behavior, for sure. The time to be careful is when people might tend to take advantage. That's where the balance lays. To have control over what you're willing to do for people brings wisdom. The whole thing is a learning journey. I believe every human has, at one time, had to deal w/the issue. We tend to think we're the only one who's ever gone thru a tough time. That's another big lie. The truth is that we all get to work together, whenever possible, for some common goal. That's my two cents on the matter."
So we get outside of ourselves, and we serve other people, and when we help others it helps us to feel better. Depression is the deepest form of self centeredness. When you are depressed then you need to get outside of yourself and do something for someone else. When I was really depressed I joined Kiwanis International to help the children and to help my community. And even helping a dog will help people, they can go to the animal shelter and adopt a dog, and then they can take care of the dog and it helps them to overcome mental illness and to become more grounded.
And here in Orange County we have a new Wellness Center, anyone who is having problems of any kind can go to the Wellness Center.
https://patch.com/california/lakeforest-ca/be-well-mental-health-facility-will-be-first-its-kindThere are some other things that help to fight depression, such as being grateful, if you are grateful then you have a chance at happiness. If you get depressed, then focus on the things that you have to be grateful for, and that helps to fight depression.
Day-dreaming also helps to fight depression, and reading, and music, and film.
Exercise and fresh air and sunlight also helps to fight depression.
And some of us have comfort foods that help us.
You can also change locations, and you can move to a happier place, etc. I live by Disneyland, which is the "Happiest Place On Earth." Some people find happiness at Disneyland.
Also, there is the whole thing about Cognitive Dissonance, which is the name if my friend's new band, and that whole things is about keeping your thoughts, feelings, and behavior congruent. If it makes you feel bad, then do not do it.
Then also you can look for the beauty in the world, and that will cheer you up. If you focus on all of the bad things then you get depressed, so you need to take time to focus on the beautiful things in the world, and focus on the things that bring you joy, if anything is really beautiful and fantastic then you can focus on that and it will cheer you up.
Those are a few thoughts about depression and suicide.
Life is a blessing, given by a loving God, not a curse. And prayer helps too, and going to church, etc.
Tony V.