Focus on the beauty in the world...
We need to go into Iran and find people who we can support, and we need to put the focus on the good people in Iran whom we can support, and we need to take the focus off of the bad people. When you put all of the focus on the bad people then it looks like everyone is bad, but if you put the focus on the good people then the perspective changes. And you let the good people set an example for ways others should behave.
It is sort of like not feeding the trolls on the web, you ignore them and they go away, and instead you put the focus on the good people who you deem worthy of attention.
Of note, things are changing with the rise of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the people of that region are becoming more progressive and human rights are improving and women's rights are improving.
We need to focus on the good people, and on the beautiful people, and on the talented people, and on the people who are helping to make our planet a better place, and we need to take the attention away from the bad people who do not deserve our attention.
Then as we focus on the good in the world, then that is what we will see all around us.
And the Bible tells us to focus on the good in the world...
Philippians 4:8 New International Version (NIV)
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
I challenge the journalists to look for the good in the world, and to focus on the beauty instead of putting all of our focus on a few dirt bags who need to just go be homeless by themselves instead of getting all of the attention.
Tony V.