This, in turn, is posted to Bambu, to explain some of why looking out for others is important to many of us:
And bambu replied;
I tried that in high school, then the workplace, being nice to everyone, helping everyone...where did it get me?
Answer: Taken advantage of, treated like a fool...way too nice was I...way too "soft and gentle"...too polite.
Wasn't until I ignored mommy dearest's teaching and made a nail rod in high school and used it on a bully who was hitting me from behind in class that I got peace and 'respect'.
Same in the workplace...until I kicked a supervisor from behind as he walked away having hit me with a heavy computer binder because he felt like it because he was angry at having to get up from his desk and serve a customer after the office was closed to the public and I hadn't known the answer.
I was called "coward" by women in one workplace for not joining the posse and chasing a bank robber, amateur with a note not a gun...into the bowels of the building. Well he could've had a gun or knife hidden.
Branded as "anti-social" in the workplace for not going to the pub after work with the "boys"...but rather going home to new wife.
Pretty, young wife or ugly drunk pub boys?....gee, that was a difficult decision.
Anyway, your man growing the corn only gave his neighbours good corn to make his better.
He was looking after himself.Everyone looks after themselves first in this world,
Mother Teresa-ilk are probably exceptions.
I look out for others, neighbours, etc.
But no way I'm any automatic good Samaritan.
I point out also;
from the photo;
If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbours grow good corn.________________________________________________