Yes no dirty filthy wall. No public works or infrastructure improvements. FDR will be tossing in his grave.
Is that really so hard to understand?
Have you read Trump's so-called Infrastructure Plan?!
Or are you going to keep beating this bogus drum?
No it is controlled tax and spend in Keynesian terms combined with the multiplier effect, all is good. Yes a really big public works program to improve and secure our borders. The argument against typical elitist emotionalism, dead babies and animals (just in; the wall theoretically could hurt the grey wolf). But what about the American worker, the jobs created, the economy dummies?
Yeah, what about the American worker!
As has been pointed out to you before, but which you keep ignoring, we have billions of dollars of infrastructure that needs building, Luee - bridges, roads, water systems, schools, dams! We don't lack for places to put that money, tasks that are far more needed than the border with Mexico.
A good many in middle America believe that secure borders are more important than roads or bridges.
Sure. But they believe that because they have been lied to incessantly by the GOP, Luee.
They used to believe (and many still do) that Mexicans are lazy and that Blacks are untamed sexual predators. Many of them believe races should not marry.
We are not in the habit of capitulating to prejudice on that massive a scale as much as we used to be.
Why not do everything instead of whining?
In case it has escaped your attention, we have a significant percentage of the government that is insisting we cannot afford to pay for our
veterans' health care and you want to propose that we "do everything?" They won't pay for the infrastructure that
needs doing, let alone the placebo you want to give the angry, deluded folks who want to blame "illegal immigrants" for everything from eating up government benefits to the huge increase in violent crime to taking all their jobs, when none of those is truth.
I repeat, "have you looked at the president's so-called infrastructure plan?!"
But you also declared that:
Illegals are not escaping persecution but looking for a free lunch.
So good of you to speak for them all. 60% or more of them overstayed visas.
Free lunch is not what they are doing.
"There were 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2016." That was 3.3%, down from 4% in 2007.
"The U.S. civilian workforce includes 7.8 million unauthorized immigrants, representing a decline since 2007." Does that sound like they're looking for a free lunch to
you?! It sure doesn't to me.
They're looking for a job that pays more than what they could get at home or better living conditions or safer living conditions or to stay where they have found and made a home. Handouts are not what they are hear for.
"About two-thirds (66%) of unauthorized immigrant adults in 2016 had been in the U.S. more than 10 years, compared with 41% in 2007. A declining share of unauthorized immigrants have lived in the U.S. for less than five years – 18% of adults in 2016, compared with 30% in 2007."
We have a declining problem at the southern border. We have a long term unauthorized immigrant population far more than a short term one.
And your biased and erroneous view of what they are here for is ignorant.