Any one who can read can see there is popcorn in a bag labeled ICE
Yes, Larry, it's popcorn, not ICE.
But NOT the point.
Understand that
quoting a case is not the same as
making a case any more than saying that a bag of popcorn is ice.
Labeling a bag as "ice", when clearly it is popcorn is the same as saying you're offended when a fellow student quotes directly from legal opinion, including the epithet, when discussing a case. Hearing only the word ice when the discussion is about popcorn is the same as hearing only the slur contained within the quotation.
And it's fucking stupid to do so.
But doubling down on being stupid was that 1L's then taking time to set about circulating a petition that they later claimed they can't discuss because they didn't have time. They had time to attempt to paint someone as being willfully insensitive and potentially a racist, but they didn't have time to discuss why they took such action?
YOU not getting these simple points is YOU choosing to be offended or YOU choosing to be fucking stupid.
Or....Maybe it's fatigue on your part, or confused thinking as both are among the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes.
Better run along and check your blood sugar. And btw, popcorn is one of the best snacks a diabetic can eat.
Bon appetit, Orville.