Fast trains?
My wise recommendation:
Build them in America, by Americans, American engineers, for AMERICAN CONDITIONS, using American steel.
Buy them from overseas at your own peril... Sydney tried that, ferries and light rail (trams).
Newish trams are cracking, will be out of service for 18 months, ... ferries have multiple problems, major problem is they're not suited to the conditions...Sydney harbour, especially when crossing inside the headlands mouth to the sea, can rock and roll like at Atlantic storm...well sort of. Very rough.
The old British ferries, some still in service,... big motors, big tough steel, eat rough seas for breakfast.
Big, muscular, American men, need big American trucks, not little buzz box cars they cannot not even fit into.
Big American men need big American trains, with big American tracks, big American motors, big American seats, not mini ones... big American air conditioners, big American heaters.
Cheap can be a disaster.