Sorry to interrupt, but I thought this was interesting.
A bunch of well-presented charts showing which states require what to get an abortion. I knew restrictions were being put in place, but wasn't aware that more than half of the states (26) require a counseling session to try to discourage an abortion.
Also 27 states require a waiting period. 8 of them longer than 24 hours:
Utah, South Dakota, Oklahoma, North Carolina and Missouri have the longest wait times before one can undergo the procedure, clocking in at 72 hours.
This just details what steps are required in various states. Not getting into new intentionally-difficult-to-achieve laws such as requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at a hospital, requiring basically a full emergency room setup and such, which has forced clinics to close in some, generally southern, states.
Or the recent fetal heartbeat laws which are intended to bring a challenge to Roe before the Supreme Court. A heartbeat can usually be detected within 6 weeks, before most women would know they are pregnant, thus such a timeline rule would essentially ban or prevent most abortions entirely.