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What do you expect on Wednesday?

Reports of protests are overblown. A few incidents around the country, but nothing major.
- 5 (45.5%)
A few major incidents in capitals, but nothing much in DC.
- 5 (45.5%)
A major incident in DC, but nothing much around the country.
- 0 (0%)
More than 10 capitals have major upheavals, but nothing much in DC.
- 0 (0%)
A major incident in DC plus more than 10 capitals with significant upheavals.
- 1 (9.1%)
More than half the capitals around the country have problems with protesters, but DC is quiet.
- 0 (0%)
DC has major problems, while more than half the capitals around the country also have considerable trouble with protesters.
- 0 (0%)
Huge disruption to the day.
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: January 19, 2021, 10:49:21 PM

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Author Topic: Trump Administration  (Read 1875111 times)


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25785 on: January 03, 2020, 06:20:41 PM »

Readers should also be advised that China's Belt and Road Initiative isn't going to bring a world using less cement.
Cutting fossil fuels would make cement impossible to make.
One of a million or more reasons to not do it.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25786 on: January 03, 2020, 06:35:01 PM »

The devil is you and me and billions of other people who drive cars, use fossil fuel generated electricity and heating fuel, eat any form of animal protein and think we have the right to have as many children as we want.  There's a future where Charlton Heston is punching sand and screaming "you bastards!" in the ruins of New York...and we're the bastards.

Really, it's okay.  As Matt McConaughey observes in True Detective, you need the bad people to keep the other bad people from our door.  The truly good people, the ones who eat only plants and live in small huts whose heating system is to wrap yourself in a sheepskin, and ride bicycles, and never have more than one child...are probably going to be useless in moving the needle on how ordinary people use resources.  We need people who are stained with ecological transgression, and are feeling a twinge of guilt about it.
Every day tens of thousands of people around the world get to turn on electricity for the first time.
The worldwide literacy rate is at 90 per cent and also growing. The poverty has fallen to less than 10 percent. (it was over 90 less than two centuries ago). As countries become richer they use less aluminum, nickel, copper, steel, stone, cement, sand, wood, paper, fertilizer, water, crop acreage and fossil fuel every year. Consumption of 66 out of 72 resources tracked by the U.S. Geological Survey is now declining.
Deaths from disasters continue to decline not because there are fewer disaster but because we are better at dealing with them.
Life expectancies are up, childhood diseases are way down which has led to smaller families.

Tell me what we are supposed to feel guilty about?
Mankind creates faster than they can squander, and repairs more than they can destroy.

Readers are advised:  may contain traces of nut.

Note all the resources,  not from cherry picked lists,  that are not being used less.   And the ones where per capita use decrease is cancelled by population increase.    And the ones where byproducts are accumulating in our air and water and soil.   

God forbid Tired Red cites what he’s cannibalizing.

The surprising takeaways from him are his getting behind literacy and access to power are good, poverty is bad. Safety is important for everyone and less consumption and pollution are desirable results. I’m staking that horrible bastard to these positions from hence forward. I hope that some of you who would also like to for whatever reason occasionally join me in this.
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25787 on: January 03, 2020, 06:38:30 PM »

Forgotten History:

Israel was on the verge of assassinating Soleimani in 2015, but Obama's officials foiled the attempt by reaching out to Iran with news of Israel's plans.

Netanyahu is a dick.
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25788 on: January 03, 2020, 06:44:57 PM »

Readers should also be advised that China's Belt and Road Initiative isn't going to bring a world using less cement.
Cutting fossil fuels would make cement impossible to make.
One of a million or more reasons to not do it.

Heliogen and Solpart
If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.

Lyndon Johnson


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25789 on: January 03, 2020, 06:53:52 PM »

Readers should also be advised that China's Belt and Road Initiative isn't going to bring a world using less cement.
Cutting fossil fuels would make cement impossible to make.
One of a million or more reasons to not do it.

Heliogen and Solpart

He’ll wake up to the fact that he’s already extinct.
Will the Supreme Court grant trump work release to attend the republican national convention?

For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.

Richard P. Feynman


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25790 on: January 03, 2020, 07:16:55 PM »

Quote from: LarryBnDC
Australia commits climate suicide

The Times names Australia’s greatest Devils, feasting in the hell scape they’ve created on poor submissive distractible gullible souls.

Australia will need at least 10 million brown immigrants to get itself right after this.

Will any want to come?

Will any be let in?

"poor submissive distractible gullible souls"?

More like 'realists'.
"Govt has to get money to pay for our pensions". "Govt has to get money to provide services, fund Medicare [free treatment for all in public hospitals],  fund the PBS [Pharmaceutical benefits scheme], provide electricity, cooling and heating, military."


"You can't fight a forest fire with a garden hose".
Most of those who perished in the fires decided, against advice, to stay and try to defend their homes.

"Build your home in/next to the bush/woods/forest, you shouldn't really be surprised that when a firestorm comes your home gets burnt to the ground."
Most homes that were lost were built in/next to the woods/bush forest. A long time ago. The corrugated iron in the rubble, and brick chimneys still standing tell the story.

"Little Aussie battlers", cheap land, 'cabins in the woods', including pensioners with no superannuation, and no other hope, couldn't afford the very expensive house insurance...…..
…..hoped for the best, got the worst, firestorms.
Now gotta find somewhere to live for the rest of their lives. If they own the land they could sell that, if anyone will buy it. Maybe buy a delivery van and live in that.
I don't know where they go, what they do. The evacuation centres will only exist for a certain time.
The federal govt might be able to find public housing in Australia somewhere.

The reconstruction;

If enough labourers/tradespeople can't be found in Australia [after extensive advertising,  incl "No shonks please"] then they will be brought in from other countries on guest working visas.
No pretend tradespeople allowed.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25791 on: January 03, 2020, 07:17:57 PM »

Readers should also be advised that China's Belt and Road Initiative isn't going to bring a world using less cement.
Cutting fossil fuels would make cement impossible to make.
One of a million or more reasons to not do it.

Heliogen and Solpart
We are working on alternatives?
What do we do in the interim?


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25792 on: January 03, 2020, 07:29:39 PM »

Readers should also be advised that China's Belt and Road Initiative isn't going to bring a world using less cement.
Cutting fossil fuels would make cement impossible to make.
One of a million or more reasons to not do it.

Science has found a way to make cement without fossil fuels.

Next bogus complaint?
The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." ~Lindsey Graham


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25793 on: January 03, 2020, 07:31:52 PM »

Forgotten History:

Israel was on the verge of assassinating Soleimani in 2015, but Obama's officials foiled the attempt by reaching out to Iran with news of Israel's plans.

I think Red is attempting re-wrting history.

I believe the reason that neither Obama nor Dubya went after Soleimani is that the collective intelligence of the US and israel concluded it was not worth the problems it would cause. 

Whether the threat to US interests were both real and imminent and whether they warranted the assassination and the likely related deadly counter-responses remains to be seen.

We have to trust Trump is telling the truth.



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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25794 on: January 03, 2020, 07:33:04 PM »

New York Times weighs in;
Why not, 'everyone' else is.  :)

Comment: Australia Is Committing Climate Suicide

BRUNY ISLAND, Tasmania — Australia today is ground zero for the climate catastrophe. Its glorious Great Barrier Reef is dying, its world-heritage rain forests are burning, its giant kelp forests have largely vanished, numerous towns have run out of water or are about to, and now the vast continent is burning on a scale never before seen.

The images of the fires are a cross between “Mad Max” and “On the Beach”: thousands driven onto beaches in a dull orange haze, crowded tableaux of people and animals almost medieval in their strange muteness — half-Bruegel, half-Bosch, ringed by fire, survivors’ faces hidden behind masks and swimming goggles.
Day turns to night as smoke extinguishes all light in the horrifying minutes before the red glow announces the imminence of the inferno. Flames leaping 200 feet into the air. Fire tornadoes. Terrified children at the helm of dinghies, piloting away from the flames, refugees in their own country.


All true.
Climate change is real.
The percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.04%.
97% of that occurs naturally.
The rest, 3% of the 0.04% is caused by man.
Australia's share of that 3% is 1%. my no1 radio host says. He's not convinced that Australia makes one iota of difference to anything.

He used to say there was no global warming.
Then he said there may be, but man had done nothing that could influence it, it was all natural.

Now he says that man may have caused some of it, but none of it is Australia's fault and what they do has no influence on what happens to them.

Why on Earth would any of you believe a fucking thing he says?!

He says;

"The climate is always changing
Then he rattles off the 0.04%, 97%, 3%, 1%.
"They used to call it global warming...then when they found out the globe isn't warming they started calling it climate change".
"[man-made] Climate change is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind".


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25795 on: January 03, 2020, 07:33:40 PM »

A senior State Department official also defended the legality of the strike, pushing back on the assertion from some Democrats that the US had assassinated Soleimani.

"Assassinations are not allowed under law. Revenge killings, nonjudicial executions, are not," the official told reporters.

"The criteria is do you have overwhelming evidence that somebody is going to launch a military or terrorist attack against you. Check that box. The second one is do you have some legal means to, like, have this guy arrested by the Belgian authorities or something.
Check that box, because there's no way anybody was going to stop Qasem Soleimani in the places he was running around: Damascus, Beirut. And so you take lethal action against him," the official said.

"This is something that we have done many times over both Democratic and Republican administrations that I served in. It's the same criteria; it was applied in this case and all cases," the official added.

Okay, the claim is that this was not an assassination, but that makes no sense.

I grant that this was as close to a legal assassination as we get if we cross all our eyes and dot our tease.

But... I am left with this:

If when we know there is imminent action, so we take steps to block the action, is it okay for Iran to, upon realizing we are going to take action, move to stop us?!
The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." ~Lindsey Graham


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25796 on: January 03, 2020, 07:36:23 PM »

New York Times weighs in;
Why not, 'everyone' else is.  :)

Comment: Australia Is Committing Climate Suicide

BRUNY ISLAND, Tasmania — Australia today is ground zero for the climate catastrophe. Its glorious Great Barrier Reef is dying, its world-heritage rain forests are burning, its giant kelp forests have largely vanished, numerous towns have run out of water or are about to, and now the vast continent is burning on a scale never before seen.

The images of the fires are a cross between “Mad Max” and “On the Beach”: thousands driven onto beaches in a dull orange haze, crowded tableaux of people and animals almost medieval in their strange muteness — half-Bruegel, half-Bosch, ringed by fire, survivors’ faces hidden behind masks and swimming goggles.
Day turns to night as smoke extinguishes all light in the horrifying minutes before the red glow announces the imminence of the inferno. Flames leaping 200 feet into the air. Fire tornadoes. Terrified children at the helm of dinghies, piloting away from the flames, refugees in their own country.


All true.
Climate change is real.
The percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.04%.
97% of that occurs naturally.
The rest, 3% of the 0.04% is caused by man.
Australia's share of that 3% is 1%. my no1 radio host says. He's not convinced that Australia makes one iota of difference to anything.

He used to say there was no global warming.
Then he said there may be, but man had done nothing that could influence it, it was all natural.

Now he says that man may have caused some of it, but none of it is Australia's fault and what they do has no influence on what happens to them.

Why on Earth would any of you believe a fucking thing he says?!

He says;

"The climate is always changing
Then he rattles off the 0.04%, 97%, 3%, 1%.
"They used to call it global warming...then when they found out the globe isn't warming they started calling it climate change".
"[man-made] Climate change is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind".

"then when they found out the globe isn't warming"

But it is. That isn't what happened. He's lying.

Your #1 radio host is full of shit and what he is saying is the hoax. Bambi-clueless.
The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury." ~Lindsey Graham


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25797 on: January 03, 2020, 07:41:41 PM »

The surprising takeaways from him are his getting behind literacy and access to power are good, poverty is bad. Safety is important for everyone and less consumption and pollution are desirable results. I’m staking that horrible bastard to these positions from hence forward. I hope that some of you who would also like to for whatever reason occasionally join me in this.     
  - Facility T.  Torn

Where do I sign?  Good call.


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25798 on: January 03, 2020, 07:48:18 PM »

One for the me too file;

Parramatta Eels winger Maika Sivo has been allowed to return to Australia after having his bail conditions changed in a Fiji court.
The 26-year-old flyer had been charged and detained after allegedly indecently assaulting a staff member at a resort near Nadi, on the western coast of the island.

“Following a number of commitments made by Maika and the Parramatta Eels Club to the Fijian court, Maika has been given permission to travel back to Australia while his case progresses through the legal system.

He has been charged with indecent assault, which carries a maximum prison sentence of five years.

Sivo is accused of tugging at a waitress’ dress at a luxury resort on Boxing Day. He claims he was trying to get the attention of the waitress and did not do anything untoward.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 07:50:09 PM by bambu. »


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Re: Trump Administration
« Reply #25799 on: January 03, 2020, 07:53:19 PM »

A senior State Department official also defended the legality of the strike, pushing back on the assertion from some Democrats that the US had assassinated Soleimani.

"Assassinations are not allowed under law. Revenge killings, nonjudicial executions, are not," the official told reporters.

"The criteria is do you have overwhelming evidence that somebody is going to launch a military or terrorist attack against you. Check that box. The second one is do you have some legal means to, like, have this guy arrested by the Belgian authorities or something.
Check that box, because there's no way anybody was going to stop Qasem Soleimani in the places he was running around: Damascus, Beirut. And so you take lethal action against him," the official said.

"This is something that we have done many times over both Democratic and Republican administrations that I served in. It's the same criteria; it was applied in this case and all cases," the official added.

Okay, the claim is that this was not an assassination, but that makes no sense.

I grant that this was as close to a legal assassination as we get if we cross all our eyes and dot our tease.

But... I am left with this:

If when we know there is imminent action, so we take steps to block the action, is it okay for Iran to, upon realizing we are going to take action, move to stop us?!
What a total inane statement.
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