And yet, weirdly, it hasn't stopped voter purges in places where they disproportionately removed people of color from voter rolls. And the legislatures and state cabinets were GOP dominated. Huh.
And also, even weirder, polling stations were disproportionately closed where the population had actually soared, and was, again, predominantly PoC. Huh.
And also, and this is like super mindfuckin crazy weird, man, but polling stations were closing like crazy in places where poor people had less access to transportation and less free time to work out complex navigation strategies. And, even weirder, many of them were never informed by their election commissioners of these changes.
But, yeah, it's bipartisan and those are all some mindbending coincidences that have nothing to do with Republicans knowing some simple ways to lower voter turnout among people who view their policies as garbage.