But maybe most of all, they're just unprepared, incompetent, too lazy and or uninterested in actually helping people in need, and really only about holding power for themselves and their special interests.
Thoughts like these are threatening the nation. But we are quite strong enough to endure you, Kam
Let's see if I'm following this...
1. Thoughts, freely held, threaten America.
2. Self-serving behavior in GOP politicians does not threaten America, nor does GOP catering to special interests and would be oligarchs. But a citizen pointing out these lapses in democracy, or at least suggesting they could happen, that IS a threat.
3. Ignoring the neediest and most vulnerable groups in America is something politicians don't do, and suggesting that this happens is a threat to America. Especially if this is suggested in regard to GOP and its policies. Because any such charges, made against public officials, is a result of bad thoughts that threaten America.
You ended with "peace" but it's hard to see your Orwellian condemnation of people's thoughts leading to a peaceful society.