My post was to say global warming is real. If RSW or Bambu could point out the passages where I said capitalism couldn't be fixed or where I said we must all sit freezing in the dark, go ahead. What I do know is that there will be massive suffering if we don't get out in front of the problem. Fossil fuels do generate an era of cheap energy and fast prosperity, but they cannot maintain that prosperity. If the innovation hubs of capitalism find long-term energy solutions, more power to them.
If, as Red direly warns, people are "smothered" by an alternative energy agenda, it won't be nearly as smothering as a continued agenda of rainforest clearance, ocean acidification, and massive carbon dumping into our air.
If people feel deprived because they can't eat meat due to its high methane footprint, I guarantee they'll really feel bummed about not eating at all due to massive losses of arable land, fishery die-offs, red tides (toxic algal blooms) and tropic soil depletion. Nor will they be thrilled by the inundation of their major coastal cities, seawater contamination of fresh water supplies (and yet more arable land), heatwaves that cause massive brownouts (and resulting deaths), relentless superstorms and tsunamis, and wildfires that further speed up the whole warming cycle by quick and massive carbon dumps.
The science isn't political, and the message it brings isn't partisan. We need to pay attention and work together in order to survive and reap the economic benefits of leading the problem solvers (rather than the naysayers and deniers).
As Needs A points out, it's hardly a humane solution for the wealthy to hunker down in sealed biospheres while everyone else suffers and perishes.