My area of expertise is wanting to help the orphans after they are born. And the government can help on that. All of the foster children should receive a free college education, etc. We need to help the children after they are born. I support life, and I support helping the children after they are born.
I will not give money to pay for an abortion, but I will be happy to pay to send the foster youth to college.
Tony V.
The question remains: do you believe the government has the authority to require women to give birth?
24 countries think so.
Nearly all the rest have a more sane approach of allowing terminations of pregnancy before viability of the fetus.
(And also take into account the health dangers a pregnancy presents to the mother)
The science of viability has not reached a consensus, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, maybe 15?
In the USA 94 per cent of abortions are before 15 weeks.
That is why posing the question of yes or no cannot be left to the courts.
Courts are not legislatures and judges only have two options in cases. Agree with the law or dissent.
Legislatures investigate, debate, invite expert advice, compromise, and vote.
Legislatures are the voice of the people.
Courts are not.
The USGovernment authority is vested in Congress to enact laws.
The executive branch enforces those laws.
SCOTUS has neither of those powers